Protect your work with Genuine Office
Cybercrimes are more than just a problem; they’ve become an epidemic. As the number of attacks continue to increase, so too does the sophistication of cybercriminals, making it twice as hard for businesses of any size to stay ahead of the curve.
Small businesses in particular are very vulnerable to these attacks. In fact, companies with less than 100 employees are more than twice as likely to become a cybercrime victim as a larger organization. Those are bad odds. If you run a small business and manage to avoid an attack today, that doesn’t ensure you will tomorrow. And if you do fall victim today, your business may not survive tomorrow. Studies show that as many as 60 percent of victimized companies go out of business in less than six months.
That doesn’t mean you are powerless however. There are very important steps you can take to minimize the risk to your business. First and foremost is to close the door most commonly used by cybercriminals to gain access to your network and place malware inside. That door is non-genuine software.
How the non-genuine software got there isn’t important. Most of the time, it’s innocent and accidental. What matters most is protecting your business and keeping your network up and running. The best way to achieve that is to follow one simple practice: go genuine.